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Parish Registration

All new families and individuals are welcome to the parish and should be formally registered. The registration process is quick and easy and may be completed in less than 15 minutes. We ask that you stop by the church office to register in the parish so that we may personally welcome you to our parish. Registration and recent, regular, verifiable attendance (use of the offertory envelopes) for a minimum of six months are required prior to requesting baptisms, weddings, sponsor letters (for Baptism or Confirmation), house blessings, Quinceaneras, parishioner rates for Catholic schools, letters of permission to baptize or marry, etc.  If you are unable to come to the office during business hours, please call to make other arrangements. 

If you are unable to come to the church office during regular business hours,      please call the church office during regular business hours to make other arrangements. 

Active Parishioner Guidelines

A Registered and Active family/individual is one who:

  1. Has formally registered and is participating in the life of the parish community for a minimum of      6 months.

  2. Attends Mass a majority of all Sundays.

  3. Contributes financially to the parish according to ones means

  4. Places the offertory envelope each week in the collection basket, even if empty. (If you forgot your envelope there are extra envelopes in the pews and at the back of church)

  5. Adults over the age of eighteen should be registered as individuals instead of remaining on their parents records


Active member status in our database is essential for requesting the following:

  • Parishioner tuition rate at surrounding Catholic schools

  • Endorsement to serve as a sacramental sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation

  • Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation or Marriage 

  • The parishioner rental rates for the Community Center

  • Quinceanera

  • House blessings


Placing your envelope in the Sunday collection basket is an important aspect of parish stewardship. We are not called to make an equal gift but an equal sacrifice in proportion to the blessings given to us by God. The offertory basket carried in procession to the altar symbolizes our shared sacrifice offered to the Lord in thanksgiving. Placing your stewardship envelope in the collection basket, even if you have given electronically, symbolizes our shared responsibility to support the Church and our parish and a communal offering of thanks.


If you use our online giving portal to make your offertory contribution and other gifts, simply check the box “online giving” on the empty envelope and drop it in the collection basket. All envelopes in the collection basket are recorded in our parish database for attendance verification.

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